I’ve made some small but mighty changes so my garden seed organization and my gardening activities log and I wanted to share!

I previously shared my garden binder and the seed organization in there is still mostly the same. I have found that keeping my seeds organized by sowing date, rather than alphabetically or by plant type, is most useful to me. That way I can just grab the “8 weeks before last frost” pocket in early March, for example, and I don’t have to think about it too much. I also hope to utilize some of the seed sowing spreadsheets I have in the binder to plan my vegetable garden space again this year.

One of the changes I made to that binder was a new way of tracking my garden tasks - mainly when I sow certain seeds and when things were in bloom. I wanted a way to reference last year’s activities quickly to see if I am on track, so I converted a notebook into a 3-year tracker. Easy, cheap, and (hopefully) effective. Also, I always take pictures of what I’m doing since I usually have my phone on me, and then I can easily log it later when I’m back inside. I filled out 2021’s activities by looking back on my camera roll. This year, I hope to add a bit more information for future-Abi in regards to what worked and what didn’t work to help improve on any mistakes (mostly in the seed-sowing timeline arena).

The last change I made was my plant information organization. There are logbooks and plant care card options out there that you can fill out but I know I’ll never keep up with those things, so I’ve always just kept the plant tags that come with the plants. Previously I had them tucked into a plastic bag in my pantry, but I upgraded to a small file organizer this year. I think it’s technically a receipt organizer so it’s the perfect size for plant tags. I have two: one for the front yard and one for the back and made categories for each plant type. This includes a “dead” plants category, which I wanted to name “plants that are no longer with us” but it wouldn’t fit on the little tab :(

perrico gardens plant tag organization
perrico gardens plant tag organization

And that’s it! Nothing groundbreaking but I am always curious how people organize their things so I figured I’d add my two cents.

How do you organize your garden things? Are you a digital or a pen-and-paper person?


Documenting my gardening journey in Pittsburgh, PA (Zone 6b). Read more about me on the About page.


